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Under the Poplars

jane doe

Falling to nothing

Find there is something

Under the Poplars

She sleeps the days

I lie awake

Don’t touch the bread

I don’t mean what I said

My mouth burns

Jaw shut

My fingers bleed

I curl them in

Invisible friends

They hold me too tight

Please, let me go

I lie awake in the night

Under the Poplars

I play dolls in the sun

Dark shades, holidays

Candy books, hidden shelves

Where do they go?

Why have they gone?

Fires of smoke

Too loud, too quiet

Whispers I wait for

In the dark, I pray

But not to Gods

To stars, to suns

Tired, always

I wait till morning comes

Under the Poplars

I laugh with her as one

But where do they go?

Why have they gone?


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